An Accredited Designation. Credibility + Distinction = Competitive Advantage

Becoming an Accredited Estate Liquidator through the American Society of Estate Liquidators® provides you an elite level of distinction as a professional dedicated to the profession of estate liquidation with a proven-track record and commitment to the highest standards of operation and conduct. Because you have been in the business for 5 years or longer, and have conducted an impressive variety of estate liquidations, you can earn the designation of Accredited Estate Liquidator.
To Qualify:
- Complete Accredited Estate Liquidator Application/Agreement. (done online)
- Complete Code of Ethics Agreement. (done online)
- Provide three professional references. (done online)
- Provide one of the following documentation dependent on company structure (emailed to us):
- Articles/Certificate of Incorporation
- Articles of Organization (LLC)
- Provide the following to document the 50-minimum estate sales requirement within the most recent 5 year period (emailed to us)
- Documented Estate Sales Activities for no less than 50 unique clients in the most recent past three years with dates and locations (client names and sales numbers not required for purposes of privacy and consideration).
- Demonstrate quality of service and professional conduct as an estate sales professional through positive online reviews, with no unresolved or not responded to issues.
In addition, please submit a written thesis (emailed to us):
- Written thesis to be reviewed by ASEL®Board of Directors, 3-page, double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt. type size, with a title page including Thesis Title, Applicant Name, Company Name, Date (Month/Day/Year), on one of the following subjects:
Thesis subjects: (Choose one)
- TRENDS: What are the current trends affecting the estate liquidation industry? Discuss each trend and the effect on the industry. Cite specific examples and explain whether each of these changes is progressive or regressive to the industry.
- IMPROVEMENTS: How would you improve the estate liquidation industry? Describe three major issues that need to be improved or fixed. Propose specific solutions that you feel would increase awareness and solve the problems liquidators face.
- REGULATION: Do you feel the estate liquidation industry should be regulated? If so, what specific regulations do you feel will benefit the industry as a whole? Cite specific suggestions and the effects of each on the industry.
- FUTURE OF INDUSTRY: What is the future of the estate liquidation industry? If you are in industry leader and can directly impact the future of the industry, what would you do? Cite specific examples including education, products, niche markets, and any other ideas that could strengthen and promote the industry into the future.
- Pay required fee.
Upon review and acceptance, you will be contacted via email in order to receive your logo and icon.
Accredited Estate Liquidator Fee: $150.00 first year, $99/subsequent renewals
NOTE: To realize benefit of lower renewal rate, membership must not lapse and must be renewed within 30 days prior to expiration.
**All annual renewal fees are the same, regardless of designation