For Membership

The Nation’s #1 Association for Estate Sales Professionals

Why become a member of ASEL?  The American Society of Estate Liquidators® is the only nationally recognized professional Estate Sales Association for Estate Sale Professionals. Becoming a member places you in a position of credibility and competitive advantage while also giving you the tools and resources you need to conduct and grow your business.

  • REFERRALS/LEADS: Receive referrals as a result of inquiries that come into our offices from all over the U.S. Our online tool  “Find a Liquidator” offers your contact information to those searching for help in your area. If a referral request comes in for your area, you will be contacted directly.
  • CREDIBILITY & PREFERENCE: Choose from three membership levels with individualized logos to use for added credibility on marketing and promotional literature.
  • EARN DESIGNATIONS: Experienced estate sales professionals have the opportunity to elevate their status in the eyes of the industry and the marketplace with a professional or accredited estate liquidator designation.
  • INDUSTRY DISTINCTION: Active members can use their specific member level logos on EstateSales.Net for further professional differentiation  (we check to make sure they are really members).
  • LEADERSHIP STATUS: Be perceived as a leader in your field with the use of the ASEL name and seal for your marketing and advertising.
  • COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: Realize a competitive edge over competitors which are not affiliated with all that a professional organization offers.
  • REPUTATION: Be associated with an organization that has built a national reputation for its focus on stressing the highest ethics, integrity and honesty.
  • TRAINING & EDUCATION: Learn business methods and insider information available in our online courses and eBooks, making you more valuable and desirable to your clients and contacts.
  • BUSINESS BUILDING: Gain insight, marketing and business savvy as a result of the resources and information made available to you through ASEL to better grow your business.
  • SUPPORT:  We’re here if you need help. Get telephone or email support to help you think through an unusual situation, problematic issue or idea with direct access to one of ASEL’s experts.

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