ASEL Institute » Documents » WOW Testimonial Sheet


Your prospective clients want to know they are hiring the best.  Using a professional tool such as a WOW Testimonial the client can send back to you in a self-addressed stamped envelope is just what you need.  It sends a powerful message to the client, and very easy to use.  You just print it off and mail it, or hand it to them at the end of your estate sale.

The client will find it very easy to fill out with (2) fill-in questions, (1) circle all that apply and (1) check mark.  When completed, they send it back in the stamped envelope you provided.  Share these collective testimonials when interviewing with potential clients to demonstrate your commitment to them, your business and the estate sale industry.  Created by ASEL’s graphic artist, it comes with an instruction sheet for optimal impression when the client opens it.  A simple tool that will further distance you from the competition.


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